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Amblard B, Courjon JH, Crémieux J, Flandrin JM, Kennedy H (1981) The influence of stroboscopic rearing on the optokinetic nystagmus in the cat. J. of Physiol. (London), 317 : 74-75P.
Crémieux J, Amblard B, Carblanc A (1981) Visual information on self-motion and control of upright posture in man under stroboscopic illumination. Behav. Brain Res., 2/2 : 252-253.
Amblard B, Carblanc A, Crémieux J, Marchand AR (1982) Two modes of visual control of balance in man according to frequency range of body sway. Neurosci. Lette. Suppl. 10 : S42.
Crémieux J, Amblard B, Marchand AR (1983) Aspects visuels et vestibulaires du retournement chez le chat en chute libre. Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales. Space Physiology : CEPAD, 143-150.
Marchand AR, Amblard B (1984) Locomotion in Adult Cats with Early Vestibular Deprivation : Visual Cue Substitution. Exper Brain Res, 54 : 395-405.
Amblard B, Crémieux J, Marchand AR, Carblanc A (1985) Lateral orientation and stabilization of human stance : static versus dynamic visual cues. Exper Brain Res, 61 : 21-37.
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Crémieux J, Orban GA, Duysens J, Amblard B (1987) Responses properties of area 17 neurons in cats reared in stroboscopic illumination. Journal of Neurophysiology, 57 : 1511-1535.
Amblard B, Berthoz A, Clarac F (Eds) (1988). Posture and gait : Development, adaptation and modulation. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford : Elsevier.
Assaiante C, Amblard B, Carblanc A (1988) Peripheral vision and dynamic equilibrium control in five to twelve year old children. Amblard B, Berthoz A, Clarac F (Eds.) Posture and gait : Development, adaptation and modulation. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford : Elsevier : 75-83.
Marchand AR, Amblard B, Crémieux J (1988) Visual factors involved in compensation for hemilabyrinthectomy in kittens. In: Amblard B, Berthoz A, Clarac F (Eds.) Posture and gait : Development, adaptation and modulation. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford : Elsevier : 445-454.
Marchand AR, Amblard B, Crémieux J (1988) Visual and vestibular control of locomotion in early and late sensory-deprived cats. In : Pompeiano O and Allum JHJ (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research, Vol 76: 229-238.
Assaiante C, Amblard B (1989) La vision périphérique et le contrôle de l’équilibre dynamique chez les enfants de 5 à 12 ans. Psychol. Française, 34(1) : 47-54.
Assaiante C, Marchand AR, Amblard B (1989) Discrete visual samples may control locomotor equilibrium and foot positioning in man. J. Mot. Behav., 21(1) : 72-91.
Crémieux J, Orban GA, Duysens J, Amblard B, Kennedy H (1989) Experimental Myopia in cats reared in stroboscopic illumination. Vision Res., 29(8) : 1033-1036.